Academic Records Integration Tool Support

The Academic Records Integration (ARI) tool is how instructors at College of DuPage submit critical information about their students, including whether or not they’ve attended class and how they are performing. There are several required entries throughout the term.

The sections below provide support for each type of ARI entry. If you need additional support, we’re happy to help you!

ARI Tool News and Updates

Ellucian has improved the ARI Tool and added new features that will be of note this term as you enter your verficiations and grades. The implementation date for these changes has been pushed from February 19th to February 26th

Watch a short video below detailing all the updates. 

Roster Verification

The Academic Records Integration (ARI) tool is how instructors at College of DuPage submit critical information about their students, including whether or not they’ve attended class and how they are performing. There are several required entries throughout the term.

What to Report

Accepted entries for Roster Verification are:

  • Y
  • N

Entries should be left blank for dropped students. Select Never Attended or enter the last date of attendance.

Support for Roster Verification

For basic questions about Roster Verification, you can find support here:

Roster Verification FAQs

Have a question about Roster Verification in the ARI tool? Here you’ll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Quarter and Midterm Grades

The Academic Records Integration (ARI) tool is how instructors at College of DuPage submit critical information about their students, including whether or not they’ve attended class and how they are performing. There are several required entries throughout the term.

What to Report

Faculty can either use traditional letter grades OR S for Satisfactory and U for Unsatisfactory.  Accepted entries are:

  • A B C D F
  • S U

The S designation represents the A/B/C range, the U the D/F range. Selecting the S or U grade for your students does not mean that you can’t give grades on assignments.

Support for Quarter and Midterm Grades

For basic questions about Quarter and Midterm Grades, you can find support here:

Quarter and Midterm Grades FAQs

Have a question about Quarter and Midterm Grades in the ARI tool? Here you’ll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.


Midterm Verification

Section 1501.507 of the Illinois Public Community College Act requires that instructors assess the student’s pursuit toward completion at the midpoint of the class. This certification of progress is used to determine funding from the State of Illinois.

What to Report

Accepted entries for Midterm Verification are:

  • Y
  • N
  • W

A W will withdraw the student from your course and requires entering the last date of attendance . If you plan to use this option, it is advisable to notify students.

Support for Midterm Verification

For basic questions about Midterm Verification, you can find support here:

Midterm Verification FAQs

Have a question about Midterm Verification in the ARI tool? Here you’ll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.


Final Grades

The Academic Records Integration (ARI) tool is how instructors at College of DuPage submit critical information about their students, including whether or not they’ve attended class and how they are performing. There are several required entries throughout the term.

What to Report

Faculty can either use traditional letter grades OR S for Satisfactory and U for Unsatisfactory.  Accepted entries are:

  • A B C D F
  • S U

The S designation represents the A/B/C range, the U the D/F range. Selecting the S or U grade for your students does not mean that you can’t give grades on assignments.

Support for Final Grades

For basic questions about Final Grades, you can find support here:

Final Grades FAQs

Have a question about entering Final Grades in the ARI tool? Here you’ll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.


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