by Christine Monnier | Apr 20, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
I read somewhere (and for the life of me I can’t remember where and I have too much to grade this week to look it up) that a good idea to help students learn is to generate a unifying theme for your students, a grand narrative of the course, so they can see that...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 15, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
So far, in my blog posts, I have showed you two ways to make your presentations interactive: Yuja, and H5P (with the Learning Tech folks’ caveat that we only have a few licenses). I have also shared some polling apps, my favorite being Socrative. I’d like...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 13, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Collaborate Ultra, Featured, Guest Blogger
I got pet peeves. Sooooo many pet peeves. And the ubiquitous use of Zoom and other videoconferencing tools has added a few to the list! So, I got to thinking, someone should make some rule of Zoom Etiquettes (Zetiquette??). But who? WHO? Duh, ME, of course. So here...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 13, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
Back in the days of the Great MOOC Craze [periodic reminder that there are no good reasons to jump on every Gates-funded bandwagon], I took a MOOC titled Learning How to Learn. I can honestly say that it completely changed my perspective on how I do my job, teaching,...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 9, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger, Video
Well, ok, not you but your students. Now, when we’re in class, you know, the physical place where we met for real with other people and we don’t make each other sick (at least not that way), we tend to assume that our students will take note, especially in...