by Christine Monnier | May 6, 2020 | Blackboard, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger, Video, YuJa
Well, folks, this is it: my last post of the term (because next week is finals and I’m going to be swamped). I want to thank everyone who did the clicky thing 28 times… that’s right, I wrote 28 posts (including this one) for this blog over the course...
by Christine Monnier | May 4, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
So far, in these posts, I have mostly discussed tech tools or Blackboard features that I like, think are useful, and use with various frequency. In this post, I want to turn the tables and talk about the tools and features I don’t like, the tools I don’t...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 30, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
Remember when metacognition was going to be the theme for the semester (year?) and we all got a free book (raise your hands, how many of you read it??)? And then the world pandemic hit and our priorities shifted to making to the end of the term on remote instruction....
by Christine Monnier | Apr 27, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
I have mentioned in previous posts the need to get creative with content, assignments, and feedback, especially with everything online in our near future. In this post, I’d like to suggest a tool that I know faculty already use: VoiceThread. It’s been...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 23, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
Shannon and I, that is. We decided to send out a few quick tips regarding moving from remote instruction to online teaching. Here goes: I would also like to provide a couple of resources for those of us looking for ideas and inspiration. The first one is The K....