by Christine Monnier | Apr 13, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
Back in the days of the Great MOOC Craze [periodic reminder that there are no good reasons to jump on every Gates-funded bandwagon], I took a MOOC titled Learning How to Learn. I can honestly say that it completely changed my perspective on how I do my job, teaching,...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 9, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger, Video
Well, ok, not you but your students. Now, when we’re in class, you know, the physical place where we met for real with other people and we don’t make each other sick (at least not that way), we tend to assume that our students will take note, especially in...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 6, 2020 | Blackboard, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger, Video, YuJa
And we’re back… sorta. Before we left for Spring Break, we were supposed to come back on April 12. As you all know, we’re now online until the end of the term. So, our 3-week plan turned into a full 5-week + end of the semester plan. In case you...
by Christine Monnier | Mar 26, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
Anyone who follows the current pedagogical discussions in higher education has encountered the vilification of the lecture. It’s pretentious (the much-reviled stereotype of the sage on stage), it’s boring, it’s passive, it’s anti-learning....
by Christine Monnier | Mar 23, 2020 | Accessibility, Christine Monnier, Collaborate Ultra, Featured, Guest Blogger, Video, YuJa
The good folks in the Learning Technologies office have already blogged about captioning using YouTube. With this post, I want to show you one more awesome thing about YuJa (in addition to adding quizzes in videos, and syncing that with the Blackboard gradebook. YuJa...
by Christine Monnier | Mar 14, 2020 | Blackboard, Christine Monnier, Collaborate Ultra, Featured, Guest Blogger
First off, we’re all stressed out, and this Tik Tok of Gloria Gaynor washing her hands for 19 seconds while singing I Will Survive is EVERYTHING. Don’t say I never give you anything nice. [Tik Tok is generally bad but every once in a while, there’s a...