Blackboard Integrations
What Is an Integration?
A Blackboard integration is any content or tool that is created outside of the Blackboard environment (usually by a third-party vendor) but that is accessed and used within Blackboard itself. For many, if not most, that will mean publisher content, like that from Pearson or Cengage. However, integrations can also be things that extend the functionality of Blackboard but that exist separately from it, like YuJa. Essentially, if a tool you use is not a part of the main structure of Blackboard Learn itself, it’s probably an integration.
What Integrations Are Currently in Blackboard?
Blackboard has the following publisher and 3rd party tools available for instructor use:
- Academic Records Integration (ARI)
- Ascend Education
- Adobe Creative Cloud Tool
- Alexander Street
- Ascend Education
- Bluedoor Labs
- BryteWave Course Materials (by Follett)
- Carolina Science Online
- Cengage
- COD Library Website Content
- Content Package (SCORM)
- Curriculum Builder
- eLab LTI Advantage
- EdPuzzle
- Elsevier Evolve Link
- EvaluationKit
- Films on Demand
- FlatWorld Homework
- Follett Discover
- Goodheart-Wilcox
- GoReact
- Great River Learning
- H5P (Limited licenses available, contact Learning Technologies)
- JoVe (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
- Lumen Learning
- Macmillan Learning
- MATLAB Grader
- McGraw-Hill Connect LTIA
- McGraw-Hill SIMnet LTIA
- Microsoft Teams
- My Open Math
- myBusinessCourse
- OneNote Class Notebook
- Pearson MyLab & Mastering
- Pearson Revel
- Pearson LTI 1.3
- Perusall
- Piazza
- Picmonic
- PressBooks
- ProctorU
- Qwickly Attendance
- Sail()
- SmarterMeasure
- Starfish
- Stukent
- TestOut
- Top Hat Course Launch
- uCertify Course Content Tool
- YuJa Media Chooser
- YuJa Panorama
- Yuja Video Quizzes
- WebAssign
- Wiley Assignments
- Wiley Course Resources
- Wiley Resources
- Zoom
Integration Support: Original
We have support resources for some, but not all, of our Blackboard integrations.
- Set up Integration between Pearson MyLab, Mastering Resources and Blackboard
- McGraw Hill Connect – Upgrading Your Blackboard Course to LTI Advantage
- WileyPLUS Integration in Blackboard
- Importing Publisher Question Pools
- Importing Tests Not Formatted for Blackboard
- YuJa Support
- Zoom Meetings for Blackboard
- Using the GoReact Integration in Blackboard
- Academic Records Integration LTI Tool Quick Reference Links
Integration Support: Ultra
If you’re using Ultra, here are some of our Ultra-specific integration support resources.
- Using GoReact in Blackboard Ultra Courses
- McGraw-Hill Connect – Upgrading Your Course to LTI Advantage in Blackboard Ultra
- Cengage LTI 1.3 in Ultra Courses
- Using the Pearson LTI 1.3 in Ultra Course View
- Qwickly Attendance
- YuJa Support
- Zoom Meetings for Blackboard
- Academic Records Integration LTI Tool Quick Reference Links
How Do I Request an Integration?
Don’t see the integration you need on this list? Send us a request to add it! Keep in mind that we need ample time to submit the request to IT and have it tested before it can go live. We send out reminders in our newsletters with the specific dates when integrations are due, but generally speaking requests for:
- Fall Term need to be submitted by July
- Summer Term need to be submitted by March
- Spring Term need to be submitted by October